Warsztaty w Domu Samotnej Matki w ramach projektu Science Hub UŁ „Znajdź siłę w mediacji”

On September 26, the first meeting was held with residents of the Stanisława Leszczynska Single Mother's Home in Lodz within the framework of the "Find strength in mediation" project. Eleven women took part in the meeting. The series of workshops includes twelve meetings, a total of 36 hours of joint work. Student Natalia Dziąg and project supervisor Dr. Monika Wojtczak will accompany women in acquiring social competencies related to communication and building social relationships using mediation approaches until the end of April 2024.

Purpose of the workshops  

Residents of the Single Mother's Home are in a crisis situation, experiencing rejection by families, partners or the wider social environment. Making an attempt to overcome the difficult situation in which they have found themselves requires them to take multidirectional action involving, among other things, working with themselves, but also building social relationships with others.

Their experiences show that they encounter numerous failures in this area due to insufficient communication skills. Examples of such situations include contacts with employers, representatives of aid institutions or offices where they are judged as demanding, aggressive and incompetent. The above information obtained from women, mothers living in the Single Mother's Home, as well as employees became the basis for designing the present activities.

About the project

The project is being implemented as part of Science Hub UŁ - a university-wide collaboration platform that aims to support the UŁ academic community in implementing implementation of scientific projects in cooperation with the environment.  

Projekt title: Find strength in mediation. A series of workshops on the practical application of mediation approaches.

Supervisor: dr Monika Wojtczak, Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Rehabilitation, Faculty of Educational Sciences

Student: Natalia Dziąg (re-socialization pedagogy)

Partner: Stanislawa Leszczynska Single Mother's Home

Project description: The goal of the project is for residents of the Single Mother's Home to learn the elements of mediation approaches and acquire the skills to use them in building social relationships.

Więcej projektów z Wydziału Nauk o Wychowaniu Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

Material: Monika Wojtczak, Natalia Dziąg 
Photo: Workshop participant
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