Podczas 600-lecia Łodzi studenci WNG UŁ badali atrakcyjność miasta

The survey on Łódź's tourist attractiveness and the standard of service at the Łódź Tourist Information point at Piotrkowska Street was conducted on the weekend of the city's 600th anniversary by students of tourism and recreation at the Faculty of Geographical Sciences of the University of Łódź. The project was carried out in cooperation with the Łódź Tourist Organisation.

Project implementation during the 600th anniversary of the granting of city rights to Łódź

The past weekend - 27-29 July 2023 - was the culmination of events planned to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the granting of city rights to Łódź. In these exceptional circumstances, students of tourism and recreation at the Faculty of Geographical Sciences (2nd year, 1st degree) - Julia Lessman and Michał Stańczak, together with their tutor, Dr Aleksandra Mroczek-Żulicka, conducted research at the Łódź Tourist Information Centre, interviewing residents and visitors.

They were particularly interested in the respondents' assessment of the tourist attractiveness of the city and the quality of the tourist information distributed at the newly renovated IT point at 28 Piotrkowska Street. During the research, the students were visited by the Dean of the Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Bogdan Włodarczyk, PhD, Professor at the University of Łódź.


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About the project

The project is realised as part of Science Hub UŁ - an all-university platform for cooperation, which aims to support the academic community of UŁ in the realisation of implementation of scientific projects in cooperation with the environment.  

Project title: Tourist attractiveness of Łódź and visitors' level of satisfaction with service at a tourist information point during the celebrations of the 600th anniversary of granting city rights to Łódź  

Supervisor: dr Aleksandra Mroczek-Żulicka, Institute of Urban Geography, Tourism and Geoinformation, 

Students: Michał Stańczak, Julia Lessman, Tourism and recreation

Partner: Łódzka Organizacja Turystyczna 

Opis projektu: The main objective of the project is to assess the tourist attractiveness of Łódź and the quality of distributed tourist information at the newly renovated IT point at 28 Piotrkowska Street, in the opinion of the participants in the celebrations of the 600th anniversary of the granting of city rights to the city. The period chosen for the survey is important in view of the planned opening of this IT point and the numerous jubilee events likely to attract a larger number of visitors than usual in a similar period.


Material: dr Aleksandra Mroczek-Żulicka
Photos: dr Aleksandra Mroczek-Żulicka, Natalia Wątorowska 
Edit: Science Hub UŁ