Przedstawicielki Science Hub UŁ na Seminarium "Badaj, promuj, bądź"

The manager of the Science Hub project at the University of Łódź, Dr Małgorzata Dzimińska, and the Ambassador of the Science Hub at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology at the University of Łódź, Dr Aneta Krzewińska, Professor at the University of Łódź, took part in the seminar 'Research, promote, be' - the social impact of scientific research. This was the second seminar organised by the University of Łódź with the support of the American Corner Łódź, whose aim is to support the academic community in disseminating and popularising scientific achievements and to encourage dialogue with the university community.

Dr Małgorzata Dzimińska and Dr Aneta Krzewińska, Professor at the University of Łódź, prepared a joint presentation entitled "Scientists for the environment and the environment for scientists - on experiences from the CONCISE and SCIENCE HUB projects".  

The speakers shared their conclusions from the CONCISE project, as part of which they participated in the creation of pan-European recommendations for science communication. They also presented the SCIENCE HUB initiative of the University of Łódź, which promotes the implementation of scientific implementation projects in close cooperation between students, staff and external partners.







Source: Communication and PR Centre ; photos: Maciej Andrzejewski, Communication and PR Centre